Music Prophecy & Culture

College Wycliffe College
Course Code WYT3824HS
Semester Second Semester
Section 0101
Online No
Credits One Credit
Location Toronto (St George Campus)

While theology has always found a fruitful dialogue partner in the arts, the course will approach the world of contemporary music in genres as diverse as rock, bluegrass, hip hop, folk and alternative rock as theological resources in their own right. Attending to the interweaving of biblical iconography, symbols, narratives, motifs and themes in the lyrics of these artists, we will explore the prophetic, pastoral, liturgical and theological contribution that they make for Christian reflection and praxis in a late modern socio-historical context. There will also be focussed attention on the artistry of Canadian singer/songwriter Bruce Cockburn. Seminar. Evaluation: class participation 25%, reflection papers or one major essay 75%.

Crosslisted to (2) Pastoral Thelology
Schedule Mon 
Start Time 14:00
End Time 16:00
Minimum Enrolment 0
Maximum Enrolment 0
Means of Evaluation
Previously Offered Fall 2010
Currently Offered Winter 2014