College | University of Trinity College, Faculty of Divinity |
Instructor(s) | |
Course Code | TRT2613HF |
Semester | First Semester |
Section | 0101 |
Online | No |
Credits | One Credit |
Location | Toronto (St George Campus) |
Description |
The city is both a geographical concentration of human habitation, culture, commerce and built environment and symbol rich in biblical resonance. Deeply ambiguous, the city holds both profound creative and redemptive potential and can be the symbol of what is most profoundly wrong with culture forming. In this course we will develop a theology of the city through biblical reflection and exegesis. Through interdisciplinary reading and reflection, together with on-the-street engagement, we will lay the foundations for an integral and transformative urban ministry. |
Syllabus |… |
Schedule | Tue |
Start Time | 19:00 |
End Time | 21:00 |
Minimum Enrolment | 0 |
Maximum Enrolment | 0 |
Additional Notes | Location: CRC Wycliffe |
Means of Evaluation |
Currently Offered | Fall 2013 |