Natural Theology and Evolutionary Theory in the Nineteenth Century

College University of Trinity College, Faculty of Divinity
Course Code TRH2252HS
Semester Second Semester
Section 6101
Online Yes
Credits One Credit
Location Online - Asynchronous

This introductory course examines the influence of, and contemporary reaction to, natural theology, evolution theory, and Charles Darwin's "natural selection" theory, from the late eighteenth century until the Scopes Trial (1925). Although the course focuses on England and the United States, we will also make a tertiary examination of defenders and critics of natural theology, evolutionary theory, and natural selection theory in Continental Europe and Canada. 

Schedule N/A
Start Time TBA
End Time TBA
Minimum Enrolment 5
Maximum Enrolment 15
Additional Notes

Additional Evaluation: Two short research summaries submitted online, final exam submitted online.

Teaching Method
Means of Evaluation
Class Participation
Previously Offered Winter 2013
Currently Offered Winter 2016