After Your Thesis Examination

Convocation: Applying to Graduate

As a candidate for graduation you must contact the office of the registrar of your college and, if applicable, the registrar of the college which will grant the degree, in order to indicate your intention to graduate. You must then follow the regulations in effect at that college regarding convocation.

All non-conjoint MA and PhD students at TST (including non-University of St. Michael's College students) should be aware that the non-conjoint MA and PhD are awarded by the University of St. Michael's College. Therefore, all non-conjoint MA and PhD students must apply to the University of St. Michael's College to graduate by completing and returning the University of St. Michael's College, Faculty of Theology, Graduation Application Form no later than the first Friday in September. Non-St. Michael's College students must also contact their home college of their intention to graduate. This must be done well in advance of your anticipated convocation date. Please check with your home college for specific deadlines.

Do I Need to Submit a Hardbound Copy of My Thesis?

TST no longer requires a hardbound copy of your thesis. However, your college still may require a hardbound copy. Please check with your college registrar.  


TSpace is a secure research repository established by University of Toronto Libraries to disseminate and preserve the scholarly record of University of Toronto.

After reading through the topics below, if you have questions about the TSpace process, contact the GCTS Office.

Guidelines on the final format of the thesis and submission are outlined in the Electronic Thesis & Dissertation Manual. A PDF version of your thesis or dissertation is uploaded to TSpace.

In order to graduate in a given semester the TSpace submission must be completed including:

You upload your own thesis/dissertation to TSpace, provide your name, program and college, and submit an abstract of your work and subject keywords. The uploaded PDF submission will then be vetted by the GCTS Office. Once approved, the digital copy of ETD submitted to TSpace will be considered the "official" version of the thesis/dissertation. Each ETD will be assigned a unique Internet address (URL), thus ensuring permanent access to the digital version. ETDs will normally be released four to five weeks after you graduate. Complete upload instructions may be found in the Electronic Thesis & Dissertation Manual.

Full instructions and a template are available at the bottom of this page. For assistance formatting your document or creating a PDF, contact the Information Commons Help Desk at Robarts Library.

Thesis copyright is retained by the author. If a thesis contains copyrighted material within it, you must obtain written permission from the copyright owners to include such materials in the ETD. A sample copyright letter is available in the Electronic Thesis & Dissertation Manual.

TST’s expectation is that all theses/dissertations will be made available for unrestricted access via TSpace. However, in some rare cases, it may be appropriate to restrict partial or full access to the electronic version of the thesis for a defined period of time. If there are any intellectual property implications and/or sensitive data that require such restrictions, you may apply to TST's Associate Director of Graduate Programs,, for an embargo to be placed on the digital copy of the thesis (for a period of up to two years). Requests are made using the Restrict Thesis Release Date Form.

The digital thesis is eventually sent to the Library and Archives Canada and ProQuest/University Microfilms International for cataloguing in the ProQuest Dissertations & Theses database. As part of your TSpace submission, you will be required to submit the Thesis / Dissertation Non-Exclusive License Form to the GCTS Office.

You are required to pay a $25 manuscript confirmation fee. This fee covers the administrative costs of the TSpace review and approval process. The fee is paid directly to TST. See Non-Tuition Fees & Payment Methods for more information.