Wycliffe College is an evangelical graduate school of theology which provides high quality education shaped by the Bible and mission. Rooted in the Anglican tradition, the College has a long history of fostering spiritual formation and academic excellence since its founding in 1877. Understanding the Bible as the Word of God written, Wycliffe posits the theological interpretation of Scripture as central to the identity and work of the College.
As a founding member of the Toronto School of Theology, Wycliffe offers conjoint degrees with the University of Toronto at both the master's and doctoral levels, as well as certificate programs. The College aims to equip students who graduate from our programs - Master of Divinity (MDiv), Master in Theological Studies (MTS), Master of Theological Studies in Development (MTSD), Doctor of Ministry (DMin), Master of Theology (ThM), Master of Arts in Theological Studies (MA), and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) - for readiness in leadership for Christ's church and a variety of vocational settings globally. Certificate programs are also offered in Theological Studies, Missional Leadership and Formation, and Anglican Studies.
Website | Wycliffe College |
Address |
5 Hoskin Avenue |
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Library | |
College Faculty Listings |