Non-Tuition Fees & Payment Methods

Language Exam, Thesis, Application and Miscellaneous Fees

How to pay TST conjoint program tuition fees


2024-25 Academic Year

Personal cheque, certified cheque, money order or bank draft
Manuscript Confirmation Fee




Language Exam Fee1


Hosting of External Exam Fee2 (for a non-TST student)




External Exam Arrangement Fee2 (for a TST student taking an exam off-site by special permission)




Deferred / Special Exam Arrangement Fee2 (by special permission)




Graduate Programs Application Fee 4 
Paid within the online application form




SCP Certificate
Application Fee4




TST System Access Fee




Program Handbook (per copy)




Photocopies of File Materials




* You do not have to have a PayPal account to make a payment using your Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover Card or bank account transfer.

** TST reserves the right to change international currency amounts without notice due to fluctuating exchange rates.

Exams taken by registered TST students to fulfill program language requirements are not subject to this fee (first attempt only). This fee is applicable for all other exams, including all exams taken to fulfill admission requirements.

2 This fee is in addition to the regular examination fee.

3 PayPal links for Application Fees are limited to specific times of the year.

4 Please note that the application fee covers the cost of reviewing the application and determining the admission decision. It is not contingent upon, nor does it guarantee, admission.

Please Note:
  • Your application is not processed until your full application fee is received.
  • All fees  are are non-refundable.
  • If you are paying in U.S. funds please ensure that you are paying the correct amount, as U.S. payments may be different from those paid in Canadian Dollars.

Payment Methods: Cheque, Money Order, Bank Draft 

  • Payments may be made by cheque, certified cheque, money order or bank draft, payable to "Toronto School of Theology".
  • Please ensure you have sufficient funds in your bank account to cover your payment and allow enough time to allow for mailing (if applicable) and processing. A non-sufficient funds (NSF) payment will incur a service fee of $25.00; replacement payment must be made by certified cheque, bank or postal money order. TST reserves the right to cancel the use of this method by any student if it is abused.
  • International applicants paying by money order or draft must obtain an international money order or draft drawn on a Canadian bank.
  • On the FRONT of the cheque, ensure the following is noted: the student/applicant name, student number (if applicable), and what the payment is for (e.g., TSpace, application fee, etc.).
  • Payments are mailed to:

          Toronto School of Theology                               
          47 Queen’s Park Crescent East                               
          Toronto, ON  M5S 2C3                               

Payment Method: PayPal

  • PayPal links for Application Fees are only available at specific times of the year.
  • TST accepts online payment through PayPal. For international students especially, this may be the quickest and easiest method to pay your TST fees.
  • You do not have to have a PayPal account to make a payment using your Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover Card or bank account transfer.
PayPal Logo

Use PayPal to pay the following fees by clicking on the corresponding button.

Pay: Manuscript Confirmation Fee 

Pay: Language Exam Fee

Pay: Deferred / Special Exam Fee 

Pay: External Exam Arrangement Fee 

Pay: Hosting External Exam Fee

Pay: TST System Access Fee 

Pay: Copying File Materials Fee


  • TSpace, Language Exams and Application Fees are non-refundable.
  • Approved refunds of transactions made through PayPal will be made through PayPal up to 60 days after the original transaction date.
  • Refund of transactions made through PayPal beyond 60 days of the original transaction date will be made by cheque to the payor in Canadian dollars.
  • Transactions made though other payment methods will be made to the payor by cheque in Canadian dollars.