Religion, Life and Society - Reformational Philosophy

College Institute for Christian Studies
Instructor(s) DeRoo, Neal
Course Code ICT6702HF
NOTE: Basic degree students enrol in ICT3702HF
Semester First Semester
Section 6201
Online Yes
Credits One Credit
Location Online – Synchronous

An exploration of central issues in philosophy, as addressed by Herman Dooyeweerd, Dirk Vollenhoven, and the Amsterdam School of neoCalvinian thought. The course tests the relevance of this tradition for recent developments in Western philosophy. Special attention is given to critiques of foundationalism, metaphysics, and modernity within reformational philosophy and in other schools of thought.

Course Link…
Schedule Tue
Start Time 14:00
End Time 17:00
Hours Per Week 2.5
Minimum Enrolment 3
Maximum Enrolment 12
Enrolment Notes

Students need to contact the ICS Registrar at to complete registration.

Additional Notes

Students must follow the TST program handbook regulations relating to course deadlines for submission of course work and requests for extensions. The prima facie deadline for the completion of work in a course is the last day of the TST examination week for the semester in which the course is taken. Students and instructors are bound by the earlier of deadlines set either by the instructor or TST. Where the policy of the affiliate college, in relation to courses listed in the TST Course Catalogue, differ from TST policies, the policy of TST will apply.

Means of Evaluation
Previously Offered Fall 2021
Currently Offered Fall 2024