The Church, The Faith and Our World

College Wycliffe College
Instructor(s) Robinson, Peter
Course Code WYP1601HF
Semester First Semester
Section 6101
Online Yes
Credits One Credit
Location Online - Asynchronous

To introduce students to theological praxis in the context of exploring the church, the faith and our place in the world. The course introduces and engages with questions of mission, gospel and culture in the Canadian setting. Particular attention is given to understanding and analyzing how groups of people seek to live out their Christian faith in particular contexts including both local church communities and parachurch/mission organizations.

Schedule N/A
Start & End Date May 7, 2018 - Jun 29, 2018
Start Time TBA
End Time TBA
Minimum Enrolment 10
Maximum Enrolment 20
Schedule Notes

<p>This is an eight week online intensive being offered May 7 - June 29, 2018.</p>

Teaching Method
Means of Evaluation
Class Participation
Research Paper
Book Review
Short Paper
Currently Offered Summer 2018