lnculturation and Spirituality

College University of St. Michael's College, Faculty of Theology
Instructor(s) Dias, Darren
Course Code SMT6633HS
NOTE: Basic degree students enrol in SMT3633HS
Semester Second Semester
Section 0101
Online No
Credits One Credit
Location Toronto (St George Campus)

Combining classroom time (Winter 2018), and a trip to Canada's North (July 2018), students will come to a deeper
understanding of the Church's theology and praxis regarding inculturation and spirituality within a First Nations context.
Consideration will be given to the legacy of colonization and movements fostering greater autonomy in the Canadian
aboriginal context. Fond du Lac, SK and Bhechoko, NT are the two primary sites for gatherings.
Students are expected to participate In all the preparatory gatherings prior to departure and to be actively engaged with
their peers and members of the community upon arrival at Fond-du-Lac and Pine Channel, Saskatchewan or another
approved location.
The preparatory gatherings will be an opportunity to welcome members of various First Nations in Southwestern Ontario
and to meet with non-indigenous men and women who have spent considerable time working with the Dene people.
On site, this participation will include sharing in religious ceremonies, common meals, "evening conversations,n and
contributing through your labours (cooking, dish washing, hauling of water) to the general well-being of the group.
Students will have the opportunity to meet formally and informally with various community leaders, elders, elected officials,
families, nurses, educators and the RCMP, so as to come to a deeper appreciation of the opportunities and challenges of
life in the Canadian north.
There are a number of organizations in the city and on campus that work with members from various indigenous
communities. Students are expected to become familiar with one group and to participate in their programming. A monthly
report will be required to update the instructor on the status of your involvement.

Schedule N/A
Start Time TBA
End Time TBA
Minimum Enrolment 10
Maximum Enrolment 20
Additional Notes

Course Module Fee (Flights, Room and Board charges) $4,015

Schedule Notes

<p>In the Spring term there will be 8 sessions with experts in the field. In July there will be a 2 week session in a a First<br />
Nation community.</p>

Teaching Method
Means of Evaluation
Class Participation
Reflection Paper
Summative Paper
Currently Offered Winter 2018