The Mennonite Tradition In Historical Context

College Conrad Grebel University College
Instructor(s) Osborne, Troy
Course Code CGH2235HF
Semester First Semester
Section 4101
Online No
Credits One Credit
Location Waterloo

This is a survey of the development of the Anabaptist and Mennonite traditions (Amish, Mennonite, and Hutterites) by placing them in the context of the broader history of the western Christianity from the early church through Its transformation into a global movement. Through the study of history, students will understand the forces and tensions that have shaped the Mennonites and other Anabaptists as they related to the changing contexts in the world around them. Throughout the course,students will attend to the strengths and weakness of defining Anabaptist Identity through history.

Course Link
Pre-Requisites N/A
Schedule Wed
Start Time 9:00
End Time 12:00
Hours Per Week 3
Minimum Enrolment 10
Maximum Enrolment 20
Enrolment Notes

Classes end at 10 minutes to the hour

Additional Notes

Students must follow the TST program handbook regulations relating to course deadlines for submission of course work and requests for extensions. The prima facie deadline for the completion of work in a course is the last day of the TST examination week for the semester in which the course is taken. Students and instructors are bound by the earlier of deadlines set either by the instructor or TST. Where the policy of the affiliate college, in relation to courses listed in the TST Course Catalogue, differ from TST policies, the policy of TST will apply.

Schedule Notes

Taught at Waterloo location

Teaching Method
Means of Evaluation
Previously Offered Fall 2022
Currently Offered Fall 2023
Next Scheduled Winter 2025