Residential Schools - Enactment, Responses and Calls to Action

College Emmanuel College
Course Code EMT2151HF
Semester First Semester
Section 9101
Online No
Credits One Credit
Location Online – Synchronous

This course will explore the impacts of Residential Schools in Canada and how they shaped the current realities for many Indigenous communities and people (First Nations, Métis and Inuit);the role of Christian Churchesin these schools; and the path(s) to relationship-building and €œreconciliation€,as offered in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's Final Report. The goals of the course include:(1) introducing the ideology in developing residential schools and their relationship with colonization; (2) introducingthe resources available that address the TRC; and (3) reflecting on strategies that encourage stable and trusting relationships with Indigenous communities. The course will examine the Calls to Action (CTA) (58-61), specifically focusing on CTA 59 and 60. This course will meet the requirement for the Designated Elective: Coloniality and Power. A variety of methods will be usedto engage the course material: lectures, readings, film, guest lectures, and field tripsand/or participation in Indigenous community events (e.g. Indigenous Education Week at U of T). Evaluationwill be implemented through a research paper on the TRC, class participation, online discussion boardsand/or journalsand an annotated bibliography.

Crosslisted to (1) Historical
Schedule Wed 
Start Time 18:00
End Time 20:00
Hours Per Week 2
Minimum Enrolment 6
Maximum Enrolment 20
Additional Notes

Additional Evaluation: Annotated bibligraphy.

Teaching Method
Means of Evaluation
Class Participation
Reflection Paper
Research Paper
Summative Paper
Currently Offered Fall 2021