Systematic Theology in an Un-Systematic Age

College University of Trinity College, Faculty of Divinity
Course Code TRT1101HS
Semester Second Semester
Section 0101
Online No
Credits One Credit
Location Toronto (St George Campus)

“I don’t believe in organized religion. My religious beliefs are way too disorganized.” This New Yorker cartoon captures the spirit of the age regarding notions of “Christian doctrine,” “dogmatics,” or “systematic
theology.” This course explores questions like the following: What does it mean for theology to attempt to offer a conceptual articulation of Christian claims about God at a time when many, including some in the
church, have little interest in such a pursuit? What are the implications of this loss of faith in the possibility of a comprehensive and consistent formulation of Christian belief? How are Christians to make judgments
about the appropriate sources, norms, and ends of Christian theology, and how these relate to wider spheres of intellectual and practical spheres of life? Class discussions and readings address such
questions as they explore challenges confronting theological reflection in contemporary church and society. Attention will be given to differing approaches to the traditional topics in theology, including the
concept of God, the person of Christ, sin and salvation, the Holy Spirit and the nature of the Church. By exploring the perspectives of Liberal, Neo-orthodox, Feminist-Liberationist, and Postmodern theologies,
class sessions illustrate how different decisions about the nature of theology have a wide range of implications for how one conceives of Christian belief.

Schedule Thu
Start Time 19:00
End Time 21:00
Hours Per Week 2
Minimum Enrolment 10
Maximum Enrolment 20
Additional Notes

This course was previously taught under the title "Systematic Theology"

Teaching Method
Means of Evaluation
Class Participation
Short Paper
Previously Offered Winter 2018
Currently Offered Winter 2019