College | Regis College |
Instructor(s) | Stoeber, Michael |
Course Code | RGP5209HF |
Semester | First Semester |
Section | 0101 |
Online | No |
Credits | One Credit |
Location | Toronto (St George Campus) |
Description |
A critical exploration of the mystical, liturgical and pastoral theology of Evelyn Underhill, as she develops these in her novels and scholarly writings. Her thought will be examined in light of contemporary issues in spirituality, such as the status of the body, mysticism and social action, the subjectivization of mystical experiences, and the effect of socio-political structures on spirituality. Lectures, discussion, presentation, critical reflection paper. |
Crosslisted to (2) | Theological |
Schedule | Fri |
Start Time | 13:00 |
End Time | 15:00 |
Hours Per Week | 2 |
Minimum Enrolment | 5 |
Maximum Enrolment | 12 |
Means of Evaluation |
Previously Offered | Fall 2013 |
Currently Offered | Fall 2017 |