Scholastic Philosophical Concepts

College St. Augustine's Seminary
Instructor(s) Reeve, Pamela J.
Course Code SAT1703HS
Semester Second Semester
Section 0101
Online No
Credits One Credit
Location Toronto (St George Campus)

An introduction to scholastic terms and concepts in the context of their use in the philosophical theology of Thomas Aquinas. Readings cover texts that treat the existence and attributes of God, being and essence, form and matter, substance and accident, the human soul and its faculties, happiness, human action, and natural law.

Schedule Tue
Start Time 14:00
End Time 16:00
Hours Per Week 2
Minimum Enrolment 8
Maximum Enrolment 20
Additional Notes

Addtioanl Evaluation: Analytic Outline, Essay, Final Exam

Teaching Method
Means of Evaluation
Class Participation
Previously Offered Winter 2017
Currently Offered Winter 2018