Preaching with the Church Fathers

College Wycliffe College
Course Code WYH2004HF
Semester First Semester
Section 6101
Online Yes
Credits One Credit
Location Online - Asynchronous

In the early centuries of the church, it was rare to find a theologian who wasn't also a preacher. Jn the estimation of most early Christian writers, theology was to be ordered towards proclamation-it was for the whole church, from the humblest parishioner, to the most erudite. Whereas homilies have historically taken a back seat to dogmatic treatises in patristic scholarship, there is a growing awareness that homiletical literature was of central importance for the early and medieval church, East and West alike. In addition to their importance for the propagation of the gospel and the cure of souls in the patristic era, these homilies continued for centuries to be used as resources for pastors and preachers. In this course, students will engage with these sermons in accordance with rigorous historical methods, and, at the same time, join in this tradition of turning to the sources themselves (ad fontes) to consider how early Christian sermons can be fruitfully employed in the church today. Students will thus reflect, in historical perspective, on the intersection of theology, exegesis, and pastoral care. The primary tasks of the course will be to read (in translation) and discuss the sermons of Greek and Latin preachers, from the first century to the fifth. We will focus especially on the great preachers of the fourth and fifth centuries, Augustine of Hippo and John Chrysostom, both of whom were used as exemplars of preaching in their respective traditions for centuries.

Pre-Requisites Introductory History course
Schedule N/A
Start Time TBA
End Time TBA
Hours Per Week 3
Minimum Enrolment 10
Maximum Enrolment 25
Additional Notes

This course is taught by Sessional Instructor: PENDING APPROVAL

Teaching Method
Means of Evaluation
Class Participation
Research Paper
Currently Offered Summer 2020