Reformation in Britain and Ireland

College Wycliffe College
Instructor(s) Power, Thomas P.
Course Code WYH2231HF
Semester First Semester
Section 6101
Online Yes
Credits One Credit
Location Online - Asynchronous

Surveys the Reformation in Britain and Ireland from the accession of Henry VIII (1509) to the death of Elizabeth (1603). Identifies the historiographical debates and the perspectives of modern scholarship. Assesses the condition of the late medieval church in respect of vitality, institutional disfunction, and reform. Provides a detailed examination of developments under Henry VIII including the king's great matter, the enactment of royal supremacy, the formal break with Rome, and the emergence of a nascent evangelical group. Accounts for the rise of a more overt, official Protestantism under Edward VI, followed by the reverse actions of Mary I to place England at the forefront of Catholic attempts to stem Protestantism. Details the nature of the Elizabethan settlement and the challenges to it from Catholic and Puritan elements. The differing experiences of the reform in Scotland and Ireland are addressed. Consideration of doctrinal and liturgical developments. Assessment of the legacies of the Reformation.

Schedule N/A 
Start & End Date May 3, 2021
Start Time TBA
End Time TBA
Minimum Enrolment 10
Maximum Enrolment 25
Enrolment Notes

Last date to register 30-Apr-2021;Last date to drop without academi penalty and to receive a full refund 14-May-2021

Teaching Method
Means of Evaluation
Class Participation
Summative Paper
Currently Offered Summer 2021