Joshua-Kings - Promise and Failure in the Land

College Wycliffe College
Instructor(s) Wray Beal, Lissa
Course Code WYB2321HS
Semester Second Semester
Section 6101
Online Yes
Credits One Credit
Location Online - Asynchronous

This course traces Israel’s covenant life in the promised land during the time of Joshua, the judges, and the kings and prophets of Israel. From the peoples’ entry to the land to their exile from it, the land was the focal point of the faithful expressions and profound failures of covenant life. The characters and events of these books are traced so as to further an understanding of the outworking of God’s covenant promises, provide background and preparation for the culmination of that covenant in Jesus Christ, and pose the question of a Christian, biblically-informed response to the gifts and challenges of landed existence today.

Schedule N/A
Start Time TBA
End Time TBA
Hours Per Week 2
Minimum Enrolment 10
Maximum Enrolment 20
Teaching Method
Means of Evaluation
Class Participation
Summative Paper
Book Review
Currently Offered Winter 2023