Bible in Context - Amos

College Knox College
Instructor(s) Irwin, Brian
Course Code KNB3232HS
Semester Second Semester
Section 101
Online No
Credits One Credit
Location Toronto (St George Campus)

This course uses the book of Amos as a means of introducing the covenantal values that lay beneath Israel's approach to social justice. Through a site visit and classroom activities, students will reflect on the Church's call to social justice and the way in which this can be realised in the lives of individuals and congregations. Additional emphasis will be placed on the content and shape of the book of Amos and the task of interpreting it as Scripture of the Church.

Pre-Requisites KNB1006H or equivalent, plus any 2000 level Bible course.
Schedule Tue
Start Time 14:00
End Time 16:00
Hours Per Week 2
Minimum Enrolment 10
Maximum Enrolment 25
Means of Evaluation
Previously Offered Winter 2024
Currently Offered Winter 2025