College | Regis College |
Instructor(s) | Goulding, Gill K. |
Course Code | RGT3407HF
NOTE: Graduate degree students enrol in RGT6407HF
Semester | First Semester |
Section | 101 |
Online | No |
Credits | One Credit |
Location | Toronto (St George Campus) |
Description |
The Roman Catholic Church is in the midst of a Synodal process, one which Pope Francis has declared to be the ongoing manner of proceeding for the Church. "The Synod is not a parliament or an opinion poll; the Synod is an ecclesial event and its protagonist is the Holy Spirit." This course will trace the theological origins from Vatican II (Lumen Gentium and the particular focus on the People of God) and key characteristics of the process (listening, spiritual conversation, discernment, all of which have a significant theological foundation). The responses already received from the universal church will be considered including concern for: the ecumenical and inter-faith engagements that have occurred; the importance of co-responsibility; the participation of women and young people; and a universal concern for minority groups; the ongoing need for formation. The course will also consider the challenges that the process faces as it continues. |
Schedule | MonWedFri |
Start Time | 9:30 |
End Time | 12:30 |
Hours Per Week | 3 |
Minimum Enrolment | 10 |
Maximum Enrolment | 20 |
Enrolment Notes | Maximum/Minimum class size indicated includes both BD and Graduate students. Last day to add: 01-May-25. Last day to drop: 04-May-25. |
Means of Evaluation |
Previously Offered | Summer 2023 |
Currently Offered | Summer 2025 |