Dadosky, John D.

College: Regis College
Degrees: PhD (St. Michael's)
Phone: 416-922-5474 ext 262
Teaching Category:
Regular Tenure Stream
Appointment Status:
Basic Degree


Prof. Dadosky received his STL from Regis College (1999), PhD from the University of St. Michael’s College (2001); STD from Regis College (2004). He joined the faculty in July 2001 and teaches systematic theology and philosophy.

  • Specializations

    • Philosophical Theology
    • Lonergan
    • Systematic Theology
    • Merton
    • Interreligious dialogue (with Buddhism)
    • Mariology
  • Publications



    • The Wisdom of Order: Exploring Lonergan’s Method in Theology. University of Toronto Press, 2024.
    • Image to Insight: The Art of William Hart McNichols. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 2018. (Arizona-New Mexico 2019 book award).
    • The Eclipse of Beauty and its Recovery: A Lonergan Approach. Toronto: University of  Toronto Press, 2014.
    • The Structure of Religious Knowing: Encountering the Sacred in the Thought of Eliade and Lonergan. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2004.


    • Bernard Lonergan, Archival Material: Early Papers on History, (with Robert Doran, S.J.), Collected Works of Lonergan, Vol. 25 (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2019).
    • Bernard Lonergan, Method in Theology, (with Robert Doran, S.J.), Collected Works of Lonergan, Vol. 14 (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2017).
    • Bernard Lonergan, A Third Collection, (with Robert Doran, S.J.), Collected Works of Lonergan, Vol. 16 (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2017).
    • Bernard Lonergan, A Second Collection, (with Robert Doran, S.J.), Collected Works of Lonergan, Vol. 13 (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2016).

    Selected Articles

    • “The Relationship between Theology and Canon Law: Insights from Örsy and Lonergan,” Studia Canonica 57/1 (2023): 245-61.
    • “‘Myths to Die By?’:  A Critical Examination of Girard’s Approach to Myth in View of the Diné (Navajo) Creation Story,” Religious Studies and Theology, 40\1/2 (2022): 145-165.
    • Enlightened Ecclesia: Engaging De Lubac on Buddhism,” Journal of Ecumenical Studies 57/3 (Summer 2022): 432-53.
    • Co-authored by Christian Krokus, “What are Comparative Theologians doing when they are doing Comparative Theology?: A Lonerganian Perspective with Examples from the Engagement with Islam.” Studies in Interreligious Dialogue,. 32/1 (2022): 67-93.
    • “Reaching up to the Mind of Lonergan: The Achievement of Robert M. Doran, SJ”. Theological Studies 83/2 (June 2022): 293–316.
    • “God is Inter-religious: Honouring the Legacy of Ovey Mohammed, SJ,” Toronto Journal of Theology, 38/1 (April 2022): 101-112.
    • “Family and Friendship: The Implicit Ecclesiologies ad extra in Pope Francis’ Fratelli Tutti and the legacy of Vatican II’s Dual Theologies of Church,” Gregorianum (June 2022); 103, 3 (2022): 519-537.
    • “Searching For Wisdom: Towards a Systematic Integration of Sophiology into Theology,” Philosophy and Theology, 1&2 (2020): 3-25.
    • “Mediation, Culture and Religion: Approaching Lonergan’s Method in Theology,” The Lonergan Review (Seton Hall University), 11/1 (2020): 53 – 75.
    • “Further Along the Fourth Stage of Meaning: Lonergan, Alterity and Genuine Religion,” Irish Theological Quarterly, 85/1 (February 2020): 64-79.
    • “Has Vatican II been Hermeneutered?: Recovering and Developing its Theological Achievements following Rahner and Lonergan,” Irish Theological Quarterly 79/4 (November, 2014), 327-49.