College: | University of St. Michael's College, Faculty of Theology |
Degrees: | PhD (St. Michael's) |
Email: | michael.attridge@utoronto.ca |
Phone: | 416-926-8553 |
Teaching Category: |
Regular Tenure Stream
Appointment Status: |
Basic Degree
Research Interests: |
Systematic / Philosophical / Contextual Theology
History / Historiography / Methodology
Ecumenism / World Christianity / Comparative / Interfaith
Dr. Michael Attridge teaches historical and systematic theology at the Faculty of Theology. Recent courses he has taught include theological foundations, Christology, ecclesiology, 19th and 20th century theologians and movements, and the Second Vatican Council in Canada.
He is currently involved as a co-investigator in a four-year, SSHRC-funded research project comparing the different forms of catholicism in Ontario and Quebec in the period following Vatican II through the lens of liturgy and catechesis, ecumenism and interfaith dialogue, and socio-political engagement. He is also the founder and director of Institute for Research on Vatican II in Canada.
Professor Attridge earned his PhD from the University of St. Michael’s College in 2004. His dissertation was on the christology of the Second Vatican Council (1962–65) in relation to the conciliar constitution, Dei Verbum.
For the past few years, he has spent time researching and studying in Italy, staying with the friars in the convent of the Basilica of San Domenico, Siena.
- Historical and systematic theology
- Christology
- Ecclesiology
- 19th and 20th century theologians and movements
- Second Vatican Council in Canada
- Michael Attridge, Darren Dias, Jaroslav Skira (eds.), The Church and Migration: Global (In)Difference. Palgrave Macmillan: Forthcoming. (2020)
- Nicholas Olkovich, Michael Attridge, Darren Dias, Matthew Eaton (eds.), The Promise of Renewal. Dominicans and Vatican II. Adelaide: ATF Theology, 2017.
- Michael Attridge, Catherine Clifford, Gilles Routher (eds.), Vatican II. Expériences canadiennes – Canadian experiences. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 2011.
- “Canadian Ecumenical Activity and the Rise of ‘Nones’: Is There Any Relationship?” JES vol. 55 iss. 2 (2020).
- “Growth of the Order of Preachers in North American in the Nineteenth Century: The First Dominican Friars in Canada,” Archivum Fratrum Praedicatorum, Nova Series 2 (2017).
- “Receiving the Council Through Dialogue: Educational Institutions as Instruments of Reception,” Science et Esprit 68/2–3 (2016)
Book Chapters:
- “Canadian Ecumenism and Socio-Political Engagement.” In A History of the Desire for Christian Unity. Translated in Italian, French, and German. Brill/Il Mulino: Forthcoming (2021).
- “From Objectivity to Subjectivity: Changes in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries and Their Impact on Post-Vatican II Theological Education.” In Catholic Education in the Wake of Vatican II, 21 – 41. Edited by Rosa Bruno Jofré and Jon Igelmo Zaldívar, University of Toronto Press, 2017.
- “Le Conseil canadien des chrétiens et des juifs et Nostra Aetate.” In Juifs et chrétiens. 50 ans après Nostra Aetate (Héritage et projet, 80), 121-138. Edited by Jean Duhaime et Gilles Routhier. Quebec: Groupes Fides Inc., 2017.
- (Co-Authored with Darren Dias), “Can We Still Speak of a Psychological Analogy After Vatican II?” In The Promise of Renewal. Dominicans and Vatican II, 183-202. Edited by Nicholas Olkovich, Michael Attridge, Darren Dias, Matthew Eaton. Adelaide: ATF Theology, 2017.