College: | Emmanuel College |
Degrees: | PhD (St. Michael's) |
Email: | netto.medina@utoronto.ca |
Phone: | 416-585-4537 |
Teaching Category: |
Regular Tenure Stream
Appointment Status: |
Basic Degree
Research Interests: |
Systematic / Philosophical / Contextual Theology
History / Historiography / Methodology
Ethics / Pastoral Care / Counselling
Néstor Medina is a Guatemalan-Canadian Scholar and Associate Professor of Religious Ethics and Culture. He engages the field of ethics from contextual, liberationist, intercultural, and Post and Decolonial perspectives. He studies the intersections between people’s cultures, histories, ethnoracial relations, and forms of knowledge in religious and theoethical traditions. He also studies Pentecostalism in the Americas. He was the recipient of a First Book Grant for Minority Scholars (2014) and a Project Grant for Researchers (2018). He is currently working on the ethnoracial relations during colonial Latin America and the influence of religion in those relations.
Néstor has an extensive experience in teaching in a variety of cultural contexts and settings. He has taught for: Atlantic School of Theology, Brite Divinity School, Regent University, and Conrad Grebel University College. For the last 12 years, Néstor has participated with the United Church as a part of the People in Partnership program by going to Cuba and teach at the Seminario Evangélico de Teología (SET). Néstor is also an ordained minister in the United Church of Canada.
Besides teaching and researching, He enjoys good food from different cultural backgrounds.
- Liberation theologies
- Culture and theology
- Post-colonial and decolonial theologies
- Latina/o theologies
- Religious Ethics
- Pentecostalism as a social movement
- “(De)Cyphering Mestizaje; Encrypting Lived Faith: Simultaneous Promise and Problem.” In The Word Became Culture (Disruptive Cartographers: Doing Theology Latinamente), edited by Miguel H. Díaz, with a foreword by Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, 71-92. NY: Fordham University Press, 2024.
- “Theological Musings toward a Latina/o/x Pneumatology.” In Blackwell Companion to Latina/o/x Theology, edited by Orlando Espín, 182-204. New York: Wiley-Blackwell, 2023
- “Retracing Intermixture/Mestizaje in Latin America and among Latinas/os/xs.” In Bloomsbury Religion in North America. Latin American Religions in North America. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2022. Theology and Religion Online, Web. 19 Oct. 2022.
- “Unlikely Siblings? Pentecostal Ethico-Theological Insights from the Catholic Teachings on Mary.” In Receptive Ecumenism as Transformative Ecclesial Learning: Walking the Way to a Church Re-Formed, edited by Paul Murray, Gregory A. Ryan, and Paul Lakeland, 263–74. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press, 2022.
- “Reconsidering Hospitality in Relation to Migration.” (Spanish) Concilium 398, Edited by Stan Chu Ilo, Gustáv Kovács, y Carlos Schickendantz (noviembre 2022): 117-130; German:Concilium 58, Heft 5 (2022): 579-589; Italian: Concilium 58, No. 5 (2022): 130-144
- “Latina/o/x & Chicana/o/x Pentecostals: On the Interconnection Between Religious and Ethnocultural Identity.” Aztlán Journal of Chicano Studies 47, no. 1 (Spring 2022): 179–89.
- “On Scripturalization: The Cases of Guatemala and Mestizaje” The Abeng 5, no.1 (2022): 52-56.
- “De Liberación a Descolonización” Cuadernos Red Ecclesia in América 2, no 6 (2022): 28-34.
- “The Christian Left: From the Past toward a Possible Future.” Toronto Journal of Theology 38 no 1, (Spring 2022): 2-16.
- “Sentipensando Latina/o/x Theoethics.” International Academy of Practical Theology. Conference Series 2 (2021): 98–104. Special Volume (De)coloniality and Religious Practices: Liberating Hope, edited by Julo César Adam, Vanburga Schmiedt Streck, and Claudio Carvalhaes.
- With Becca Whitla and Ary Fernández-Albán, “Liberation Theologies, Decolonial Thinking. & Practical Theologies: Odd Combinations?” International Journal of Practical Theology 25, no. 1 (2021): 1–22.
- “Embracing a Millennia-Old Cosmovision” Sojourners (January 2021) 1-5.
- “On the Ethics and Perils of Engaging Critical Theory: Let’s Keep it Real” Contending Modernities. October 9, 2020.
- “An Emerging Social Ethics: The Development of Pentecostalism in Latin America”. Pneuma 42 no. 3-4 (Dec 2020): 477-499.
- “The Doctrine of Discovery, LatinaXo Theoethics and Human Rights.” (Open Access) Journal of Hispanic/Latina/o Theology 21 no. 2, Article 4 (November 2019): 151-173.
- “Indigenous Decolonial Movements in Abya Yala, Aztlán, and Turtle Island: A Comparison.” In Decolonial Christianities: Latinx and Latin American Perspectives, edited by Raimundo Barreto and Roberto Sirvent. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019.
- “Thinking Pneumatology and Social Justice.” In The Holy Spirit & Social Justice: Interdisciplinary Global Perspectives, edited by Antipas L. Harris and Michael D. Palmer, with a foreword by Amos Yong, 24–47. Lanham, MD: Seymour Press, 2019.
- With Becca Whitla, “(An)Other Canada is Possible: Rethinking Canada’s Colonial Legacy”. Horizontes Decoloniales/Decolonial Horizons <5 (September 2019):13-41.
- Co-editor with HyeRan Kim-Cragg and Alison Hari-Singh. Reading In-Between: How Minoritized Communities Interpret the Bible in Canada (Eugene, OR: Pickwick, 2019).
- Christianity, Empire and the Spirit: (Re)Configuring Faith and the Cultural. Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2018.
- “A Decolonial Primer.” Toronto Journal of Theology 33, no.2 (2017): 279-287.
- On the Doctrine of Discovery (Booklet). Toronto: Canadian Council of Churches, 2017.
- Co-editor with Sammy Alfaro eds. Pentecostal and Charismatics in Latin America and Latino Communities, Charis Christianity and Renewal-Interdisciplinary Studies Series New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015.
- Co-editor with Jeff Nowers, Theology and the Crisis of Engagement. Eugene, OR: Pickwick, 2013).
- Mestizaje: (Re)Mapping “Race,” Culture, and Faith in Latina/o Catholicism. New York: Orbis Books, 2009.