Dogma and Historical Consciousness

Date Cancelled
College University of St. Michael's College, Faculty of Theology
Instructor(s) Attridge, Michael
Course Code SMT5514HF
Semester First Semester
Section 0101
Online No
Credits One Credit
Location Toronto (St George Campus)

This course examines the effects of historical consciousness on the understanding of dogma within Roman Catholic theology in the 19th and 20th centuries between Vatican I and Vatican II. Students will study the origins of neescholasticism and its development in the 19th century, Catholic modernism and the responses to it, as well as theories of development. Readings will include: Adolf von Harnack; Alfred Leisy; George Tyrrell; Friedrich von Hugel; Karl Rahner; and others.

Schedule Tue 
Start Time 14:00
End Time 16:00
Hours Per Week 2
Minimum Enrolment 10
Maximum Enrolment 20
Teaching Method
Means of Evaluation
Class Participation
Research Paper
Previously Offered Winter 2019
Currently Offered Fall 2023