Course Catalogue 2024-2025

There are four categories for course delivery:

In-Person if the course requires attendance at a specific location and time for some or all course activities. These courses will have section codes starting in 0 or 4.

Online – Asynchronous if the course has no requirement for attendance at a specific time or location for any activities or exams. These courses will have the section code starting with 61.

Online – Synchronous if online attendance is expected at a specific time for some or all course activities, and attendance at a specific location is not expected for any activities or exams. These courses will have the section code starting with 62.

Hybrid if the course requires attendance at a specific location and time, however 33-66% of the course is delivered online. If online attendance is expected at a specific time, it will be in place of the in person attendance. These courses will have the section code starting with 31.

Some courses may offer more than one delivery method please ensure that you have the correct section code when registering via ACORN. You will not be permitted to switch delivery method after the last date to add a course for the given semester.

Please Note:
  • If you are unable to register, through ACORN, for a course listed on this site, please contact the registrar of the college who owns the course. This can be identified by the first two letters of the course code.
  • For Summer courses, unless otherwise stated in the ‘Enrolment Notes’ of the course listing, the last date to add a course, withdraw from a course (drop without academic penalty) and to obtain a 100% refund (minus the minimum charge) is one calendar day per week of the published meeting schedule (start and end date) of the course as follows: One-week Summer course – 1 calendar day from the first day of class for the course; Two-week Summer course – 2 calendar days from the first day of class for the course, etc. up to a maximum of 12 calendar days for a 12 week course. This is applicable to all delivery modalities.


  • God and Creation - Christian Theology 1


    Exploring key issues and themes in Christian theology, this course examines questions like the following: How are Christians to make judgments about the appropriate sources, norms, and ends of Christian theology, and how do these relate to wider spheres of intellectual and practical spheres of life? Attention will be given to differing approaches to the traditional topics in theology, including the concept of God, the doctrine of Creation, the nature of humanity, and the problem of evil. With attention to various perspectives and approaches to these issues, class sessions illustrate how different decisions about the nature of theology have a wide range of implications for how one conceives of Christian belief and practice.

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  • Cancelled on
    God and Creation - Christian Theology 1


    Exploring key issues and themes in Christian theology, this course examines questions like the following: How are Christians to make judgments about the appropriate sources, norms, and ends of Christian theology, and how do these relate to wider spheres of intellectual and practical spheres of life? Attention will be given to differing approaches to the traditional topics in theology, including the concept of God, the doctrine of Creation, the nature of humanity, and the problem of evil. With attention to various perspectives and approaches to these issues, class sessions illustrate how different decisions about the nature of theology have a wide range of implications for how one conceives of Christian belief and practice.

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  • The God of the Gospel - Systematic Theology I


    This course provides an in-depth exploration of two central Christian doctrines - the Trinity and the person of Christ - as well as reflection on the role of Holy Scripture and the nature of theology. This is the first part of a two-part sequence in basic Christian doctrine.

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  • The God of the Gospel - Systematic Theology I


    This course provides an in-depth exploration of two central Christian doctrines - the Trinity and the person of Christ - as well as reflection on the role of Holy Scripture and the nature of theology. This is the first part of a two-part sequence in basic Christian doctrine.

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  • The God of the Gospel - Systematic Theology I


    • Instructor(s): Brain, Michael
    • College: Wycliffe College
    • Credits: One Credit
    • Session: Winter 2025 Schedule: N/A Time: TBA
    • Section: 6101

    This course provides an in-depth exploration of two central Christian doctrines - the Trinity and the person of Christ - as well as reflection on the role of Holy Scripture and the nature of theology. This is the first part of a two-part sequence in basic Christian doctrine.

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  • Life Together - Christian Formation


    • Instructor(s): Mangina, Joseph & Dow, Christopher
    • College: Wycliffe College
    • Credits: One Credit
    • Session: Fall 2024 Schedule: Tue Time: 14:00
    • Section: 101

    This pass/fail first-term required course presents an overview of living the Christian faith in community, with an emphasis on spiritual formation for leadership. It places this overview within the context of the church's visible witness and an understanding of its mission as participation in Christ's mission. It hopes to help students think through the intersection of contemporary motions of spirituality and piety and the Christian life lived in the community of the church, with its disciplines and practice. It also hopes to begin to prepare students for continued growth and formation in Christ, through the gifts the church offers, as they begin to be trained and formed as Christian leaders.

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  • Theology, Spirituality, and the Arts


    This course aims to provide an introduction to key points of intersection between theology, spirituality and the-arts across two millennia. Employing a broad-definition of the arts, it will include visual arts, music, liturgy, literature, -film and media. It will explore theological, historical, and pastoral applications of the arts viewed as primary source material, forms of spiritual expression, and sources of inspiration, healing and social critique. It will also address both the theoretical and practical aspects of the ongoing relationship between theology and the arts. Select topics are discussed weekly with the participation of faculty guests from across TST.

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  • Basics of Biblical Preaching


    • Instructor(s):
    • College: Knox College
    • Credits: One Credit
    • Session: Fall 2024 Schedule: Mon Time: 11:00
    • Section: 6201

    Introduction to the art and science of preaching. Topics: exegesis and hermeneutics for the purpose of preaching, techniques of sermon preparation, structure and delivery.

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  • Intercultural Leadership for Educational Ministry


    This course will engage students in the educational ministry theories and practices in relation to intercultural leadership both within and beyond the United Church of Canada (UCC). Perspectives from intercultural, critical race, decolonial, and postcolonial theories will be studied. Students will develop strategies for anti-oppressive forms of education and practice, in terms of scriptural interpretation, contextual analysis, and leadership for community empowerment.

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  • Human Growth & Spiritual Journey


    • Instructor(s): Vissers, Konnie
    • College: Knox College
    • Credits: One Credit
    • Session: Fall 2024 Schedule: Thu Time: 10:00
    • Section: 6201

    This course will explore various theories of human development, stages of human growth, and lifespan spiritual journey in correlation to human growth, and will discuss implications for Christian Ministry. We will reflect on our own growth and journey along with theories of human growth and spiritual journey.

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  • Cancelled on
    Educational Ministry of the Church


    • Instructor(s):
    • College: Knox College
    • Credits: One Credit
    • Session: Winter 2025 Schedule: Thu Time: 11:00
    • Section: 6201

    What is educational ministry? How can we reshape Christian Education in our congregation in order to revitalize the church and society? Exploring the structure of educational theory, reflecting one's educational experience in the church, engaging in dialogue with theorists in Christian Education, we will attempt to refashion Christian Education for today's church, and create a vision of Christian education in order to revitalize the congregation.

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